Fiona Belle aka Fi Bee, is 4 months old now and was diagnosed with PDA in early April by her DVM Cardiologist Specialist, here in Los Angeles, Dr Kirstie Barrett. We now have a surgery date May 21st a Thursday afternoon.
Fi Bee, is a very active and happy baby girl, she has gained weight and grown and I've noticed a decidedly vocal sensibility when she tells us it's time to eat, or look what I've just done. All Cavalier King Charles have a sweet disposition and our beautiful Tri Color girl is no exception.
Dr B told us that she will have the non invasive catheter procedure. Hello, this is such good news!!!!!!!!!! We should not give her any food after midnight on the 20th, although she can drink water, and we should drop her off at around 9ish the next morning. Dr Barrett still doesn't want Fi Bee to go outside mingling with other dogs because of infection before surgery and this has been a bit challenging..... we live on the second floor and only have a front terrace. As she sits looking down watching the other dogs pass by and at the birds flying above, she must think her life will always be like this, but soon enough Miss Fi Bee will join her other Furry Pawed Friends and life will be good.